Gordons and Yorkshire Garden Centre’s sunflower competition winner announced!
Tuesday 10th December 2024
This summer, as part of a wider initiative to promote sustainability at Gordons, the Gordons sustainability group arranged a sunflower growing competition with colleagues.
The group is pleased to announce Janet Morris as the winner of the 2024 sunflower competition, kindly sponsored by Yorkshire Garden Centres, who have awarded a £50 gift voucher as the prize.
After months of keen cultivating the winning sunflower was measured at a great height of 96cm.
Mark Farnsworth, managing director of Yorkshire Garden Centres commented: “Congratulations to the winner, we are delighted to have been involved in Gordons first sunflower growing competition, promoted by their sustainability group.
Encouraging people to grow new plants and trees in any capacity is a great thing, and crucial to support the life cycle of bees.
Bees play an important role in pollinating trees and flowers, helping to provide habitats for wildlife. They pollinate the food we need to survive, with a third of the world’s food production dependent on them.
Just by observing the development and health of bees it’s possible to understand what’s changing in the environment.”
Head of the Gordons sustainability group, Harvey Blake, added “Well done to everyone who took part in the competition. We are so pleased you all got in involved as every little action helps.
We are excited to organise the next initiative for Gordons colleagues. Watch this space!”
Pictured: Janet Morris and Harvey Blake