Abensons Law: SRA Intervention
Tuesday 7th January 2025
What has happened to Abensons Law?
Abensons Law has been closed down by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) on 23 January 2024. This is known as an intervention.
Abensons Law practiced from 102 Allerton Road, Liverpool, L18 2DG and 53 Allerton Road, Liverpool, L18 2DA.
We are dealing with the closure for the SRA. All files for ongoing matters handled by Abensons Law are in our possession.
What happens next?
All clients with an ongoing matter for whom we recovered a file have been notified of the intervention so they can instruct a new solicitor. We are not acting on any matters in place of Abensons Law.
All ongoing files for which we received a file request form have been released. All remaining files have been collected and taken to the SRA for storage. You can request your file by contacting the SRA’s archives team at iaf@sra.org.uk or 0204 525 0250.
What about deeds held at Abensons Law?
If your enquiry is about deeds held by Abensons, these documents will be held separately by the Solicitors Regulation Authority’s archives team who can be contacted at iaf@sra.org.uk or 0204 525 0250.
What about wills/Lasting Powers of Attorneys (LPAs) held at Abensons?
If your enquiry is about wills/LPAs held at Abensons, these were transferred to two firms of solicitors before the intervention as follows:
- Wills/LPAs for clients with surnames beginning A – Jo, please contact Gregory Abrams Davidson at 0808 164 9938 or info@gadlegal.co.uk.
- Wills/LPAs for clients with surnames beginning Ju – Z, please contact Treadstone Law at 0161 490 8960.
If your enquiry is about wills drawn up by now closed firms Wilson Cowie & Dillon or Southern Ritchie & Clegg, these are not part of the intervention into Abensons and are now held by John Roberts at Quinn Barrow who can be contacted at 0151 231 6620 or enquiries@quinn-barrow.co.uk.
If these firms are not holding your will/LPA, please contact the Solicitors Regulation Authority’s archives team who can be contacted at iaf@sra.org.uk or 0204 525 0250. It is possible that your document remained in storage with Abensons.
Abensons Law were holding money for me. What should I do?
The accounts of Abensons are now closed and in the possession of the SRA. We/the SRA will be working to identify and contact those who are beneficially entitled to money in their accounts. In the meantime, if you wish to claim money held on your behalf urgently, you can make a claim to the SRA’s Compensation Fund. Details of how to claim can be found here: https://www.sra.org.uk/consumers/compensation-fund/ The SRA’s Compensation Fund will consider each claim with regard to its rules. We can’t guarantee the outcome of any claims made.
How can I get more information about Abensons Law?
You can:
- speak to Gordons on 0113 227 0391 (Monday to Friday 09:00 – 17:30). You can leave a message outside office hours and we will call you back as soon as possible.
- email your query to Gordons at intervention@gordonsllp.com
- find out more about interventions at the SRA’s website: https://www.sra.org.uk/consumers/problems/solicitor-closed-down/intervention/