Pensions seminar: What you need to know about the latest developments – 12.03.2015

Our trust litigation expert, James Laycock, will be looking at the lessons to learn from the mistakes of others, using recent court cases and Ombudsman rulings.

We will also be covering a range of interesting issues and challenges for pension scheme trustees, companies and advisers, including:

  • Sharing the results of the Gordons’ Pensions Team’s specially commissioned research, Independent Pension Scheme Trustees: Trends for the Future
  • Will the latest changes to the auto-enrolment regime make compliance easier for employers?
  • What can, and should, you be doing about pensions liberation?
  • How can employers reduce their scheme liabilities by using the new tax flexibilities, which allow members to take their DC benefits as cash?
  • If you are waiting for a section 75 debt to be paid or settled, is there something you can do about it?


Thursday 12 March 2015


Gordons LLP, Riverside West, Whitehall Road, Leeds, LS1 4AW.  Click here for directions.


8.00 – 8.30 am: Registration and networking breakfast

8.30 – 9.30 am: Seminar